Monday, February 24, 2020

Take High Quality Product Photography For You


You want to start your own business and need hot pictures of your product, or do you just want to push your sales on Amazon and Ebay? Nothing improves that as much as professional product photography!

I offer you to push your business and take these extra hot pictures of your product and push it to the next level.

You can choose free from the following alternatives:

- Lifestyle Staging

- Background Removal

- Infographics

I recommend 1 Background Removal, 1-2 Infographics (depending on the Product) and up to 4 Lifestyle Staging pictures. But in the end it's your choice to make. 

Before you book there are a few things you should keep in mind:

1.) Every product ist unique, so please text me before booking my gig and tell me about your product. Then I can deliver the perfekt pictures.

2.) I can only start with my work, when I have received your product. So I recommend sending the product first and book the gig afterwards, so I can keep my promise and deliver in time. 

3.) There are no returns unless you send a return label with box with your item.

Are you interested? Then you know what to do, go on and book my gig! 


: : : : :

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